What’s a Microchurch?
What makes “mircochurches” unique to other churches are they meet for regular worship in homes and other small and intimate spaces. The goal isn’t to grow into a single, large congregation, but to start new microchurches as the Lord adds to our number. We aim to keep things simple and personal and to offer a biblically-faithful alternative to other expressions of the body of Christ.
Lord’s Day Gathering
Worship services are interactive and personal. Everyone is encouraged to participate, but you’re welcome to just sit and listen. We pray, worship, take communion, and read and discuss the Bible together. Afterwards, all are invited to share a meal together. On the first Sunday of each month, we worship together with other PCC churches to remind us that we are part of a larger body of Christ-followers.
Our Lord’s Day Gatherings are family and kid-friendly. The kids join the adults for worship and then have a special "kids church" lesson as the adults do their Bible study and discussion. Since parents are the key disciplers of their children, we provide a weekly kids’ devotional for parents to do with their children during the week that aligns with Sunday's lesson.
Our Vision & Values
Our goal is to create a community of confident Christ-imitators based on the following biblical values:
“Community” (Acts 2:42-47; Jer. 29:4-7) We aim to create a sense of true community in our microchurches, where everyone is known and no one is a spectator. Scripture tells us that all saved Christ-followers are brothers and sisters who have been adopted into God’s family. As the body of Christ on earth, we also love and bless our neighbors in the larger communities we live in.
“Confidence” (Acts 17:10-11; 1 Pet. 3:15) We aim to create spaces where people are comfortable asking questions and seeking answers so all can grow in confidence in Christ. We dig deep into the Holy Bible, use theology and apologetics, and seek to live out what we learn. As our confidence in Christ grows through study and experience, so will our confidence to share our faith with those who don’t know Christ.
“Coaching” (Matt. 9:36-38, 28:18-20; Eph. 4:11-16) A discipler (or “coach”) is someone who meets people where they are, walks with them, and helps them move closer to Christ. We aim to be a church of disciples discipling: discipling others, being discipled, and making disciples. All Christ-imitators are called to ministry where God has placed them, which includes both building up their brothers and sisters in Christ and being ambassadors of Christ to the world.
About the Pastor
Steve DiSebastian, a life-long New Jerseyan, was an atheist until he encountered the Holy Spirit in 2005 at the age of 31. He holds a Master of Divinity degree and a commissioning to plant churches from the Send Network. He also is a chapter director at Rutgers University with Ratio Christi, an international apologetics campus ministry, and he teaches Bible classes at Timothy Christian School. He and his wife have been part of Point Community Church for over twelve years, and they live with their children in Metuchen, NJ.
For this week's location or to learn more, reach out to Steve DiSebastian here.
What makes “mircochurches” unique to other churches are they meet for regular worship in homes and other small and intimate spaces. The goal isn’t to grow into a single, large congregation, but to start new microchurches as the Lord adds to our number. We aim to keep things simple and personal and to offer a biblically-faithful alternative to other expressions of the body of Christ.
Lord’s Day Gathering
Worship services are interactive and personal. Everyone is encouraged to participate, but you’re welcome to just sit and listen. We pray, worship, take communion, and read and discuss the Bible together. Afterwards, all are invited to share a meal together. On the first Sunday of each month, we worship together with other PCC churches to remind us that we are part of a larger body of Christ-followers.
Our Lord’s Day Gatherings are family and kid-friendly. The kids join the adults for worship and then have a special "kids church" lesson as the adults do their Bible study and discussion. Since parents are the key disciplers of their children, we provide a weekly kids’ devotional for parents to do with their children during the week that aligns with Sunday's lesson.
Our Vision & Values
Our goal is to create a community of confident Christ-imitators based on the following biblical values:
“Community” (Acts 2:42-47; Jer. 29:4-7) We aim to create a sense of true community in our microchurches, where everyone is known and no one is a spectator. Scripture tells us that all saved Christ-followers are brothers and sisters who have been adopted into God’s family. As the body of Christ on earth, we also love and bless our neighbors in the larger communities we live in.
“Confidence” (Acts 17:10-11; 1 Pet. 3:15) We aim to create spaces where people are comfortable asking questions and seeking answers so all can grow in confidence in Christ. We dig deep into the Holy Bible, use theology and apologetics, and seek to live out what we learn. As our confidence in Christ grows through study and experience, so will our confidence to share our faith with those who don’t know Christ.
“Coaching” (Matt. 9:36-38, 28:18-20; Eph. 4:11-16) A discipler (or “coach”) is someone who meets people where they are, walks with them, and helps them move closer to Christ. We aim to be a church of disciples discipling: discipling others, being discipled, and making disciples. All Christ-imitators are called to ministry where God has placed them, which includes both building up their brothers and sisters in Christ and being ambassadors of Christ to the world.
About the Pastor
Steve DiSebastian, a life-long New Jerseyan, was an atheist until he encountered the Holy Spirit in 2005 at the age of 31. He holds a Master of Divinity degree and a commissioning to plant churches from the Send Network. He also is a chapter director at Rutgers University with Ratio Christi, an international apologetics campus ministry, and he teaches Bible classes at Timothy Christian School. He and his wife have been part of Point Community Church for over twelve years, and they live with their children in Metuchen, NJ.
For this week's location or to learn more, reach out to Steve DiSebastian here.