In alignment with the robust and inclusive spirit of historic Christian orthodoxy, we anchor PCC’s statement of faith around 3 historic creeds:
While we commend these and other creeds and confessions throughout church history, PCC prioritizes developing our theological methods, in addition to theological conclusions. Therefore, we focus on growing in content and skill around biblical themes, storylines, literary genres and structures, and historical and cultural contexts. Having said that, throughout church history, the best way to evaluate right teaching and practice has been to join the weekly rhythms of a Christ-following community. As such, we invite you to sit through 1+ sermon series, visit 1+ community groups, and meet with our pastoral team for 1+ conversations. Simply put, we'd love to connect with you and share more about the great truths passed down to us and on which we joyfully stand.
While we commend these and other creeds and confessions throughout church history, PCC prioritizes developing our theological methods, in addition to theological conclusions. Therefore, we focus on growing in content and skill around biblical themes, storylines, literary genres and structures, and historical and cultural contexts. Having said that, throughout church history, the best way to evaluate right teaching and practice has been to join the weekly rhythms of a Christ-following community. As such, we invite you to sit through 1+ sermon series, visit 1+ community groups, and meet with our pastoral team for 1+ conversations. Simply put, we'd love to connect with you and share more about the great truths passed down to us and on which we joyfully stand.
Here at PCC, we champion "a high view of text AND context" that invites our congregation and surrounding communities to dialogue with Scripture. Therefore, besides discussions in community groups and classes, our Sunday morning sermons incorporate 2 elements:
Simply put, we believe the authoritative and trustworthy nature of God's word invites our understanding and engagement. Therefore, we invite you to join us as we do!
- Exposition - Our sermons are deep dives on texts from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. However, Scripture was written for us but not to us (read that a few times). Therefore, we use all available skills and tools to draw out biblical meaning for its ancient hearers before reimagining them for our lives, communities, and contexts.
- Response - Our sermons are not purely monologues. We incorporate opportunities for our congregation to respond to the preached word. Practically, after 25 mins of exposition, our congregation "takes the mic" to offer up questions, clarifications, and responses that land the preached sermon with greater clarity and power.
Simply put, we believe the authoritative and trustworthy nature of God's word invites our understanding and engagement. Therefore, we invite you to join us as we do!
Untold Advent
Aligning & Sharing In Our Vision, Mission, and Core Virtues
Myth-Conceptions: Facing What We Really Believe About Pastoral Care
The 13th Jesus
Clarifying Christ through Advent
Point People
Christology of Installation
Apr 16, 2023 • Protim Adhikari
Easter 2023
Apr 9, 2023 • Protim Adhikari
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